Friday, March 28, 2008

He's Back!

He's back! At a mere twenty-five cents more!

Jaja emailed me earlier this week to say she spotted an ad on a city bus for MA's return this spring - Friday, March 28, 2008 (today). In the past, MA has reappeared on the streets of downtown Anchorage around April, but like the rest of us, apparently he's already itching for summer.

(First of all, I have to say you've got to wonder about a hot dog cart proprietor who can afford an ad on the side of an ENTIRE BUS. No doubt the extra quarter increase on every dog is going to help plaster the likes of MA all over town.)

But onto the real business: in last season's cliffhanger, I was on the brink of my free wiener dog. That's right, by being a diligent, Frequent Wiener last summer and by painstakingly consuming approximately eleven dogs (with the help of friends), I was able to earn one entire free dog! I was quite jittery today since I knew the moment had come to claim my prize. As I rifled through MA's rolodex only to find that it was populated with only brand new cards, for a second, I panicked.

But then MA told me to look behind the cooler and that's when I pulled this out:
Notice the smoky edges. That's from the smoke of at least eleven of my reindeer dogs sizzling on MA's grill.

Understandably, I had to make an exception for the occasion. The reindeer dog arguably fits under my "small bits" exception, but as many have pointed out, carried to the extreme, any processed meat would be a "small bit." Luckily for me, I found safe harbor in a more respectable exception -- the "wild game" loophole. (The attorney in me wondered if commercially processed reindeer should really be classified as "wild game," but the hunger in me quickly ended that legal debate.)

So here it is: The Twelfth Wiener, in all its glory:

Thank goodness summer is on its way. Bring on the dogs!

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