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Dreaming of the Most Magical Holiday of Them All |
To a kid, Christmas is The Most Magical Holiday of Them All.
To my parents, however, it must have been the greatest mystery. I was one of
those kids who deeply believed in Christmas but definitely with the limited faculties of a precocious second–grader. In the farce I had carefully
crafted for myself, Santa did in fact exist, but he visited only the truly good
children, those who had actually not done a single rotten thing all year long. I figured those perfect children probably
lived in faraway places ... like somewhere in India or perhaps in the Netherlands.
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Congratulating The Only Good Children in the World |
This seemed to explain why we never actually
saw Santa, as I was generally a good kid but certainly not perfect, and Big
Brother, as far as I was concerned, was basically a childhood dictator.
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Childhood Dictator Trying to Control Me From A Very Young Age |
Farce or not, I really liked the drama of Christmas. The important thing was to not pop the
bubble; as long as there was some room left To Believe, I was going to be ok. Although I was pretty sure Santa's reindeer were flying over other continents, it didn't stop me from closing my eyes to pretend I could hear hooves on our rooftop. And
I definitely left out milk and cookies for Santa – specifically, those tasty Little
Debbie’s oatmeal sandwiches.
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Milk and Cookies! That Santa Is One Lucky Bastard! |
I remember it all quite clearly.
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That Santa Is One Lazy Bastard. |
The next morning, the milk was still there, but the cookies were
gone. Dad explained that Santa wasn’t thirsty, which I accepted as
plausible. Later that day, however, I found the stack of cookies sitting
on a pot in the refrigerator in plain view. What bothered me was not that
Santa didn’t eat the cookies or maybe that Santa didn’t even exist. What
bothered me was that my parents didn’t even try to eat or to hide the cookies.
Would it have been so much trouble to pull out some clean Tupperware?
Would it have been so much trouble to pull out some clean Tupperware?
The Milk And Cookie Incident was the first wobble in the Santa story.
As years passed, my parents left us with less room To Believe. We
never ever had a real tree but rather a four–foot tall aluminum number of which
we decorated only one side; there were only enough lights zigzag across the
front. (Only our dog could see the back
through the window, we rationalized, and we weren’t about to decorate for a
Sometimes we left the tree up so long that it made it all the way to the next Christmas. Furthermore, Santa did not leave us gifts in stockings. He used Big Brother’s old (but hopefully clean) sweat socks, which were stuffed with such highly desirable luxury items as oranges and cans of Campbell soup. (In a good year, sometimes we got the Chunky variety.)
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Sometimes we left the tree up so long that it made it all the way to the next Christmas. Furthermore, Santa did not leave us gifts in stockings. He used Big Brother’s old (but hopefully clean) sweat socks, which were stuffed with such highly desirable luxury items as oranges and cans of Campbell soup. (In a good year, sometimes we got the Chunky variety.)
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A Very Classy Christmas! |
Despite these setbacks, I still wanted To Believe or, at least, to
marginally survive Christmas. Like any normal child, I would grope all
the gifts under the tree, pressing my little fingers tightly against the
wrapping paper to figure out what it was hiding beneath. One year, one of
the gifts I manhandled definitely felt like the shape of a new watch, which was
totally awesome since my old watch had just recently stopped working.
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A New Watch! |
On Christmas Day, however, when I ripped
off the paper covering over what I hoped to be the glorious replacement, I heard the
power To Believe hiss out of my little body.
That Christmas gift turned out to be my same
watch. Still totally not working.
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Oh... Actually, The Same Watch |
Mom beamed at me and asked if I liked the watch, but I was too confused
at the time to answer. (Years later, I
asked my mom why she wrapped a nonfunctional watch under the Christmas tree for her only daughter, and she said she found it in my room and thought I had forgotten that it was “pretty.” I had not.)
My parents also were notorious for shopping at the very last minute.
By that, I don’t mean a few days before Christmas Eve. That’s American last–minute. I mean Chinese
last–minute, literally last minute, past midnight on Christmas Day while everyone
was sleeping. That meant the bulk of their “gifts” had to come from the
only establishments open at that hour, namely neighborhood drug stores.
So that’s how the twelve–year–old who was constantly being lectured about
the evils of dating ended up getting lipstick and pantyhose for Christmas 1988.
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Why Do I... |
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... Not Feel Sexy? |
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Should I Be... |
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... Robbing a Bank? |
The drug store was also how Little Brother, seven–years–old that year, ended up getting the Most Legendary Christmas Gift Of All Time:
Vacuum bags.
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What The...? |
Many many years later, I asked my mom what she was thinking by
giving her youngest son vacuum bags for Christmas. Was this her not–so–subtle
message that she needed more of Little Brother’s help with the housekeeping?
He seemed too young to wield a vacuum cleaner with any competence, so
that didn’t really seem like a plausible answer.
I’m not sure Little Brother ever saw it that way. And I’m pretty sure the year he got vacuum bags for Christmas was the last year he believed in Santa.
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The Vacuum Bag Who Sucked Away Christmas |
Since the early years of Christmas, we’ve continued to tolerate
the holiday. I couldn't take any of Mom's Christmas shenanigans too personally because her style of gift–giving was not confined to her own family. As I remember it, the mailman always got
creamy peanut butter and a roll of Scotch tape for Christmas, and the garbage
man got a can of cheese puffs and a canned holiday ham. These
were all very fancy items in the our household, but I’m not sure our mailman or
trash man could have figured this out on his own.
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This Mailman Does Not Know He's One Lucky Bastard |
Unlike normal people who wake up early and all excited on
Christmas, my brothers and I have historically always tried our best to sleep through as much of it as possible if not the entire day. As an adult, I now actually spend a lot of
time trying to find thoughtful and unique presents well in advance of midnight
on Christmas Day, but often still I’m alone in this effort.
Not that the effort ever succeeds anyway. For someone who gives gifts who make people
cry, my mom isn’t so easy to please.
When presented with a nicely framed photograph of her beautiful grown
children, she turned to my father to say, “THIS IS WHAT
SHE DOES NOW. SHE GETS US FREE THINGS.” One year I gave her a new set of pots
and pans to replace her old beaten-up set.
Her response? “WHAT? YOU WANT ME TO
COOK FOR YOU? IS THAT WHAT I AM?” The foot spa I got her in 2010 was too
complicated to use, and the purse didn’t have enough zippers. (According to my mom, purses never have
enough zippers.)
And so despite my personal efforts in recent years, Christmas is definitely
still an upside down affair at my house.
A few years ago, Big Brother made a major investment and paid twenty–five
bucks on Amazon to replace the old aluminum tree with a “fancy” pre–lit fold–up
tree. It came in three parts, and like a
mean cat, the tree always gave Little Brother a dozen scratches whenever he
tried to assemble it. (As proof there is
no karma, somehow the undesirable task of assembly always fell upon poor Little
So whenever someone when the Christmas tree is going up, there's always a lot of groaning followed by a lot of cursing.
So whenever someone when the Christmas tree is going up, there's always a lot of groaning followed by a lot of cursing.
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WHAT THE $*#@! WHY ME??? |
From time to time, Mom still finds old things around the house to
wrap up and put under the tree. By
“wrap,” I mean, use the traditional coverings of newspaper and black
garbage bags. Sometimes it is a pair of
my old shoes she still finds fashionable.
Other years, it’s a raincheck, which historically has always been my
mom’s favorite gift to give her children...
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It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas! |
... that is, when she runs out of vacuum bags.
It goes without saying that my early Christmas memories have left an indelible mark on how I now personally conduct Christmas. Little Brother likes to cite the time I gave him and our puppy a "joint" gift of tangerines and dog biscuits. (To be fair, we were short on stockings, Little Brother loves tangerines, and I would argue it was obvious which gift was intended for whom.)
Last year I accidentally gave him a set of Arby's coupons usable only in Alaska. (Apparently, even discounted roast beef in Alaska costs more than regular priced Arby's in California!) This year, however, when I gave him half of Costco bag of craisins (a big sister has a duty to regulate her little brother's sugar intake), Little Brother actually thought it was a nice gift.
Hey Little Brother, mission accomplished!
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Come Now, This Isn't Rocket Science |
Last year I accidentally gave him a set of Arby's coupons usable only in Alaska. (Apparently, even discounted roast beef in Alaska costs more than regular priced Arby's in California!) This year, however, when I gave him half of Costco bag of craisins (a big sister has a duty to regulate her little brother's sugar intake), Little Brother actually thought it was a nice gift.
Hey Little Brother, mission accomplished!
Big Brother, however, did not share my perspective when it came to the cans of minced clams I tried to put in his stocking this year.
But Big Brother, clams are so fancy!
But Big Brother, clams are so fancy!
At the end of the day, as much as I've grumbled about my childhood holiday memories, the truth is that our Christmas traditions (or lack thereof) have absolutely made me who I am, and I wouldn't have it any other way. They taught me:
- the value of appreciating what I already have,
- the beauty and joy of whimsy and family,
- and of course, the incredible versatility of socks.
For this, I am nothing but eternally thankful and proud to share with you these precious memories...
... these Special Vacuum Bags of Christmas!
Merry After–Christmas to all,
and to all, a Good Night!